Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's My Party & I'll Eat if I Want to

So one of the greatest things about having a food blog is that when people are looking for things to do for, oh, say your birthday, they automatically think of food.  Dads make the world's best cinnamon rolls and fettuccine, moms make delicious red velvet cupcakes and boyfriends let you eat your way around Seattle.  This post shall be dedicated to the latter.  I arrived in Seattle last Saturday afternoon to be told by Derek, man of infinite wisdom and constant inspiration when it comes to eating with reckless abandon, that he had selected several places to take me for my gorge-fest.  I'm not sure he realized until after the fact just how much I really am capable of consuming in one afternoon.  Sorry, love.

We started out at Highline on Capitol Hill.  Highline is situated right on top of Castle and as such can be easy to overlook.  If you don't know what Castle is, nevermind; I'm not going to link it.  ANYWAY, Highline serves Vegan food, and Derek knows just how much I love going to restaurants where I can order anything on the menu and not have to interrogate staff as to how the food is prepared.  I will have to admit, I took a chance and ordered the "fish" and chips knowing full well that I may not like them.  And I was right.  As such, I didn't think to take any pictures of that particular meal.  I did, however, order a Long Island Ice Tea that tasted like key lime pie in a glass.  Double woot for strong drinks that taste like dessert!

Our next destination was also on Capitol Hill and quite possibly my new favorite spot on the hill. Joe Bar is a small place that one might call a "hole in the wall" for its size but certainly not for its atmosphere.  Or its menu for that matter.  Inspired by my Long Island, I told Derek to surprise me with a red wine.  He chose a Dolin Vermouth Rouge.  And a giant molasses cookie for us to share.  Ha.  Share.  Right.  Molasses cookies are quite possibly my favorite kind of cookies and while we ate this one I'm pretty sure I vowed to perfect a ginger-molasses cookie recipe as my next project.  The vermouth (teaching moment: for those unaware, like myself, vermouth is a "fortified" wine. Dry vermouth is white, sweet is red. Thus, my drink would be considered a sweet vermouth) actually went quite well with the cookie, I thought.  Plus, as a photographer, they made such a lovely visual on the table!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Another Day Older, Four Teeth None-the-Wiser

You know what makes having a food blog really difficult?  Not being able to chew.  Three weeks ago I bid farewell to my wisdom teeth on the blog and said hello to so many bowls of mashed potatoes, butternut squash soup, tapioca pudding, homemade applesauce and vegetable broth.  All things that I enjoy.  And by enjoy I mean like enough to not want to ruin them for myself by having to eat them for a week solid.  Two weeks ago I finally said hello to more flavorful things like pho (seriously, there was a heavenly sunburst in the clouds and angels singing on this day).  And one week ago, just as I was starting to eat fairly normally again I said hello to a loverly sinus infection.  You know what feels best to a raw throat/what you have the energy to make when you feel like crap (sorry, grandma)?

Mashed potatoes, butternut squash soup, tapioca pudding, homemade applesauce and vegetable broth.  Lucky for me I had plenty on hand, right?